Bellheim, July 2022 - Award-winning consulting quality: QMatrix GmbH has received the TOP CONSULTANT seal for the third time. At the award ceremony as part of the German SME Summit on Friday, June 24, 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, the former Federal President Christian Wulff congratulated QMatrix GmbH on this success.
On behalf of compamedia, the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB) from Bonn examined the participating companies. The basis of the competition is a survey of medium-sized companies that had previously worked with the participating consulting firms. The reference customers named by QMatrix provided information, for example, on how professional the management consultants appeared, how satisfied they were with the consulting services and also whether they would recommend QMatrix to others, whereby particular emphasis was placed on the “customer-oriented, SME-oriented consulting services”. “We award the consulting firms that understand particularly well how to address the special needs of medium-sized companies,” says Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
QMatrix was convincing in the competition and is one of the best medium-sized business consultants. Since the company was founded in 2013, the Bellheimer consultants have made a name primarily with their expertise in the areas of quality management and supply chain management.
„Our focus on people and their diversity, our approach to getting involved in day-to-day business and our many years of experience from both the OEM and supplier side make the QMatrix difference,” says Stefano Lisci, Managing Director of QMatrix Group. "We are very pleased about the renewed award as TopConsultant and see this as confirmation of our long-term customer relationships and our claim to sustainably improve the performance of our customers in accordance with the QMatrix motto "for a better performance,” adds Stefano Lisci.
“Since its foundation in 2013, our company has tremendously evolved. Beside our core business, the quality management, supply chain management and interim management, today, we operate our own manufacturing for small parts and prototypes,” explains Tobias Hoffmann, Managing Director of QMatrix Group. In addition to production services and our manufacturing, we also support our clients to strongly position themselves for the future. QMatrix Strategy & Consulting GmbH is responsible to topics related to innovations, future trends and market developments. In this area, we see a lot of needs of our customers, which we analyze and implement in a solution-oriented and holistic manner according to the individual company culture," he adds.
More information about QMatrix are available on the website at www.qmatrixgmbh.de.
Contact QMatrix
Managing Director Tobias Hoffman
Managing Director Stefano Lisci

QMatrix GmbH has been awarded the TOP CONSULTANT seal of 2021. The consulting company is once again one of the best SME consultants in Germany and has been able to bear the seal since June 15th. For the 12th time, the nationwide competition TOP CONSULTANT examined on a scientific basis how well the participants advised their customers.
The basis of the competition is a survey of medium-sized companies that had previously worked with the participating consulting firms. The reference customers named by QMatrix provided information about how professional the management consultants appeared, how satisfied they are with the consulting service and also whether they would recommend QMatrix to others. On behalf of compamedia, the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) from Bonn carried out the scientific survey and carefully examined the participants. According to the WGMB, “a customer-oriented, medium-sized consultancy service” is decisive (further information on the test criteria at www.top-consultant.de/prueflösungen)
QMatrix GmbH is one of the best medium-sized business consultants. Since the company was founded in 2013, the consultants from Bellheim, Germany, have made a name for themselves primarily with their expertise in quality and supply chain management.
Focus on people and diversity
Whether vehicles or wind turbines: Technical products in particular have to be put through their paces before they are put on the market: Do they really meet customer requirements? Does the quality of the components match the manufacturer's specifications? Do all employees have the necessary know-how? With audits, potential analyzes and a structured approach, the consultants from QMatrix answer such questions and help if there is still a problem: They check processes, products and safety requirements at original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers, accompany market launches and series productions by leading manufacturers, build efficient supplier networks or bridge personnel bottlenecks. "We always focus on people and their diversity," emphasizes Managing Director Tobias Hoffmann.
Tobias and his co-founder Stefano Lisci “grew up” in the field of quality management and supply chain and already brought a lot of experience with them to their company: “Today we really understand our customers' processes from the inside,” emphasizes Hoffmann. Regardless of whether in China, Mexico, the USA or Europe, the consultants lend a hand on site: "We work in a solution-oriented manner and pay attention to the individual corporate culture of each customer," says Hoffmann.
"We are very happy about the renewed award as TopConsultant and see this as confirmation of our long-term customer relationships and our claim to sustainably improve the performance of our customers in accordance with the QMatrix principle" for a better performance ", added Stefano Lisci.
The detailed portrait of QMatrix can be found on the online portal www.beste-mittelstandsberater.de.
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, heads the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting together with Bianka Knoblach. They decide who will be appointed top consultant. "It is important that the consulting companies know the special needs of their medium-sized customers and respond to them," says Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink.
A customer-oriented, SME-oriented consultancy service is decisive for being awarded the TOP CONSULTANT seal of quality. The field of participants in the competition, which has been organized by compamedia since 2010, consists largely of management, IT and personnel consultants. These companies face the investigation by the scientific management of the competition: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and Bianka Knoblach. Both head the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) in Bonn. TOP CONSULTANT's mentor is Federal President a. D. Christian Wulff. The media partner is manager magazin.
You can find more information and general image material on the Internet at www.top-consultant.de/presse or by e-mail to jutta.merkel@qmatrixgmbh.com.
Photo: from left to right: Tobias Hoffmann, managing director and Stefano Lisci, also managing director of QMatrix GmbH
Since 2010 TOP CONSULTANT awards the best consultants in the mid tier sector in Germany and sets the benchmark for top quality mid tier consulting.
This year QMatrix participated for the first time in the competition – with success: QMatrix was awarded as “TOP CONSULTANT 2018” and therefore ranks among the best consulting companys of Germany.
As part of this award, the performance of QMatrix GmbH was assessed on the basis of a scientifically sound customer survey. Several reference customers were interviewed and rated the QMatrix GmbH in terms of various criteria.
These criteria include competence, integrity, connectivity, satisfaction, customer loyalty and company referral. All criteria can be found here in detail. During the survey, it is significant that the clients attest a high degree of professionalism to the consultants and are satisfied with their individual consulting services.
This professionalism as well as a high-quality consulting outcome are successfully demonstrated by the QMatrix GmbH in their daily work and therefore the QMatrix received the award TOP CONSULTANT as a recognition on June 29, 2018 during a festive award ceremony at the German mid-tier summit in Ludwigsburg. This award confirmed that the employees of the QMatrix GmbH successfully represent QMatrix's corporate values and apply them in each of their projects.
This award confirmed that the employees of the QMatrix GmbH successfully represent QMatrix's corporate values and apply them in each of their projects. In the future the QMatrix GmbH will continue to develop existing services with the motivation established by the award.